Log Cabins and Extremely Cold Weather
Traditional handcrafted log homes and cabins don’t have per-fabricated insulation in the walls like a standard built home, because the logs ARE the insulation.
Traditional handcrafted log homes and cabins don’t have per-fabricated insulation in the walls like a standard built home, because the logs ARE the insulation.
Today we are having a Q & A with Jenkins Painting, LLC in Idaho, a highly skilled certified professional with extensive knowledge and experience in log home maintenance and failed wood coatings.
Trick or Treaters are coming soon! Here’s some great ideas on how to make a stunning rustic Halloween display at your house. Rustic décor is always very cozy and enjoyable, and kind of relaxing in that there is no perfection expectations when it comes to rustic. The rougher it looks, the better. What is rustic…
A log home gets cozier with age, and this one is still a youngster at 25+ years old and is really the depiction of what a log home should be.
A trapper cabin is most known for the fur trade, a trapline is a route along which a trapper sets traps. The cabins are a cultural icon of fur regions, and later used for some Gold miners who were in need of a place to rest over night.
Our preferred and most popular timber with clients is the stunning Western Redcedar. The latin name Thuja plicata, is commonly called Western or Pacific redcedar, giant or western arborvitae, giant cedar, or shinglewood, is a species of Thuja, an evergreen coniferous tree in the cypress family Cupressaceae native to western North America.
Post and Beam log homes are a popular building type that uses a number of vertical “posts” that support the roof’s weight via horizontal “beams.” The remaining walls are built with skillfully handcrafted logs that fit together once the house’s frame is in place.
Nothing beats the comfort and coziness of an outdoor sport fishing and hunting lodge built from logs or heavy timbers.
If you’re considering getting your own custom log cabin built, you’re at the best place! Cascade Handcrafted Log & Timber Frame Homes gives you the option to choose a stock plan and customize it to your requirements, or design your own and have those plans professionally developed.
When the first Europeans arrived on the Pacific Northwest Coast in the 18th century they encountered a magnificent rain forest, the result of favorable soil conditions and moisture-laden ocean winds.