BC Logging History
When the first Europeans arrived on the Pacific Northwest Coast in the 18th century they encountered a magnificent rain forest, the result of favorable soil conditions and moisture-laden ocean winds.
When the first Europeans arrived on the Pacific Northwest Coast in the 18th century they encountered a magnificent rain forest, the result of favorable soil conditions and moisture-laden ocean winds.
Timber Frame construction is similar to ‘Post and Beam’ except:
With Timber Frame, lumber that has been cut in a squared dimension (8″ x 8″ or 10″ x 10″ for example) is used instead of the roundness and unique shape of logs.
Timberframing has been around for centuries providing strength and longevity to it’s structure. Timber Frame Homes offer a unique style, strength and sustainable designs, and just like a Cascade Handcrafted – western red cedar log home, they offer energy efficiency and awe inspiring character. These beautifully handcrafted homes truly are the building results of a master craftsman.