Let’s talk about the mighty Douglas-fir.
This locally grown timber is one of the strongest available woods. Good for structural elements such as floor and roof beams.
Douglas-fir is a species primarily found in British Columbia and along the west coast and actually crosses into Alberta in only a few places, such as passes like the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) Crowsnest Pass. The tree has a thick burly bark, making it fairly fire tolerant.
Like Western Red-cedar, Douglas-fir is also highly rot resistant. In Western Red-cedar, the natural oils, or sap under the bark make it naturally resistant to decay, while fir’s resistance comes from its tight grain structure. Both woods can last for decades when properly treated and maintained, making them great choices for any log home or log cabin project. Decay resistance in Douglas-fir also helps this species live to great age; trees 600-800 years old are not uncommon in certain parts of its range with long fire return intervals. Trees 1,000 years or older have been recorded from several parts of its range, including several individuals between 1,300 and 1,400 years old.
The Interior Douglas-fir tree breeding program began in 1982 with the objective of producing improved and genetically diverse seed for planting on productive forest land in south-central British Columbia. The Canadian Government is committed to planting 2 billion trees over the next 10 years – one of the pathways to achieving our goal of net-zero GHG emissions by 2050.
Is Douglas-fir the preferred building timber? The fact that Douglas fir and cedar have such a diverse range of uses makes it challenging to gauge their popularity. Depending on your log home or log cabin design, Douglas-fir is fantastic choice thanks to its strength, durability, aesthetic appeal, natural resistance and the reforestation program that supports the green initiative.
Drop by the Chilliwack site, request a free quote or call 1-604-703-3452 to speak directly to Markus and he will walk you through the options available to you, whether it is residential, commercial, renovations or custom floor plans, begin the journey towards your wood-based home today.