Cascade Handcrafted Log and Timber Frame Homes built a beautiful log shell for a client at our log yard in Chilliwack, British Columbia. After the home was complete we added a car port to finish off this stage of the project, which was inspected by the client before we dismantled the home, loaded it onto trailers and shipped it to Terrace, B.C.
The pictures below show the foundations on the client site and the re-assembly of the log shell exactly as it was on our yard, ready for the other tradesmen such as the plumbers, electricians, roofers etc to start their work.
It really is a stunning example of the work that we do and we are very proud of our crew and everyone involved in the project, as was the client who couldn’t wait to move into their new home!
Drop by the Chilliwack site, request a free quote or call 1-604-703-3452 to speak directly to Markus and he will walk you through the options available to you, whether it is residential, commercial, renovations or custom floor plans, begin the journey towards your Handcrafted Log or Timber Frame home today.