Log Shell Built Chilliwack by Cascade Handcrafted

Handcrafted Log Shell

Cascade Handcrafted Log Homes built a beautiful log shell for a client at our work yard in Chilliwack, British Columbia. After the home was complete we added a car port to finish off this stage of the project, which was inspected by the client before we dismantled the home, loaded it onto trailers and shipped it to Terrace, B.C.

log home energy efficiency

Log Home Heating Efficiency

Log home heating efficiency compared to a conventionally built home. Today’s goals for “net-zero by 2050” are an extremely important move by Governments across the nations to reduce the threat of climate change. This includes non carbon, or low footprint buildings that have a high level of energy efficiency. Handcrafted log home walls have comparable…


Rustic Halloween Ideas

Trick or Treaters are coming soon! Here’s some great ideas on how to make a stunning rustic Halloween display at your house.  Rustic décor is always very cozy and enjoyable, and kind of relaxing in that there is no perfection expectations when it comes to rustic.  The rougher it looks, the better.  What is rustic…